Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Traditional Art: Workshop

For our Drawing for Game Art class, we had to create a small space in which we could have a character do work- a workshop, if you will. To begin this, we began a design doc, which had all our own idea in it, as to what the person does, what he's doing, when he's doing it, and when he's resting- all the different things that someone would consider when thinking about a space in which a character interacts. I won't post the design document myself, but I will post some of the artwork that I did for this assignment, including the final.

For my workshop, I tried to convey a sort of traveling-treasure hunter. So I went and created several quick thumbnails to show which spaces I wanted to show, as well as the type of area I wanted to make. I went into the nitty gritty with my top-down map. 

For the second part of the assignment, we made a top-down map of the room we wished to create. My room itself was extremely small (comparatively to my other classmates) room that was very vertical. It is going to have several different things either hanging on the ceiling or being protruding out of the wall, like the bed which is supposed to be a loft bed over the door. I'll post my revised sketches and things in the next post. 

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