Thursday, October 30, 2014

Boss Battle Analysis: Beyond Good and Evil Final Boss: DomZ High Priest

Beyond Good and Evil is an action-adventure game for the Ps2, that came out in 2003

Since it's initial release, the game has seen mass amounts of fan followings and has become a sort of cult classic among those who enjoy really cool stories told in the PS2 era of video games!

It also happens to be one of my favorite games, and it comes with a bitchin' final boss, that really makes the game all the more poignant and awesome. 


The Boss is introduced to you, story wise, once you finally are able to navigate the DomZ Lunar base, and put a stop to them once and for all. 

Gameplay wise, the Boss is split up into several phases, all of which have you defeating a bit of the DomZ high priest, until he is destroyed. 

It begins you off with a horde of enemies that flank you, which you can easily dispatch, but introduce you to the the sort of heavy traffic you'll be taking while fighting. 

The second stage, Creates a gigantic wall of spikes infront of the High priest, and starts bringing out apparitions of your uncle, who you have to use your companion to lift into the air and throw at the spikes to destroy them and then hit the high priest

In the third stage, the room floods with water, and the worm that represents the DomZ high priest comes out and takes you head on. It appears around you, behind you, on top of you, all needing the precise amount of time to be able to hit him. 

The fourth stage is a reitration of the second stage, simply without the spikes. Instead, he's shooting magic alien bombs at you, all the while throwing both enemies and your taken companions at you. 

The final stage, is the craziest. It really gives the phrase, Story informing Mechanics to a whole new level. The area begins to distort, the room floods again like in the third stage. You also have to fight the worm again in this stage, but this time, all the controls are reversed. Up is down, left is right, and you have to do your best to work with this on the fly, Just like Jade would while fighting the DomZ priest. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Fourth Break (Game Design Concept)

Fourth Break
Breaking through the Fourth Dimension

Fourth Break is a suspenseful 3rd person platformer, set in an unnamed government testing lab, in the year 2537. You are one of the few test subjects that has survived taking the TIME ECHO DISPLACEMENT Serum, or TED. Using your TED ability, you and a few other surviving handful of subjects have begun to break through the fourth dimension, or time, and are able to jump from location to location, within seconds. But the government as created a large maze of obstacles and traps, all meant as a means to both test your new ability, as well as keep you contained from the outside world, and keep it safe from your growing new powers. 

Fourth Break's levels will be convoluted and confusing, to keep the player, as the test subject contained within the facility. Each level will use a combination of puzzle platforming, as well as puzzle-solving, and the use of switches, levers and TIME ECHO DISPLACEMENT to solve each room, and choose one of the four doors in the room, to allow them to continue in the great labyrinth that is the TED containment facility. 

Visual Targets: 

Labyrinth Map, and example room: